Legal Disclaimer & Trademark Notice

Legal Disclaimer .: Alexeter Technologies LLC('s) products are for use by trained hazardous materials professionals.  These products are to be utilized for environmental sample testing ONLY.  They are neither intended nor approved for in vitro, diagnostic or clinical use.  Any screening test results (positive, negative or inconclusive) should always be confirmed by a qualified screening laboratory.


Trademark Notice .: The following are trademarks of Alexeter Technologies LLC (Wheeling, IL): (1) "Guardian Reader", (2) "Guardian Reader System", and (3) "Guardian Elite".  These trademarks can not be utilized or reproduced without the express written consent of Alexeter Technologies LLC.


"BioCheck" is a trademark of 20/20 GeneSystems, Inc. (Rockville, MD).  This trademark can not be utilized or reproduced without the express written consent of 20/20 GeneSystems, Inc.


Exclusivity Notice .: Alexeter Technologies is the exclusive distributor for the Guardian Reader, the entire line of BioDetect Alert Test Strips and the BioCheck Protein Screening Kit. 


For all inquiries regarding exclusivity and trademarking, please call us toll-free at (877) 591-5571.